“Mountainous” – An Alpine Mountainscape Art Original Painting by Paul Kenton.
95" x 48" Mixed Media on Boxed Canvas. In 'Mountainous,' Paul wields rich layers of paint to shape the rugged, jagged contours of the mountainous terrain. Alpine Mountainscape Art Original Painting by Contemporary Cityscape Artist Paul Kenton. Available to Purchase.
94" x 48"
Mixed Media on Boxed Canvas
Original Painting
Black Ornate Frame
Mixed Media on Boxed Canvas, Black Ornate Frame
In crafting ‘Mountainous,’ Paul wields rich layers of paint to shape the rugged, jagged contours of the mountainous terrain. Employing a tonal palette, he delves into the interplay of light and shadow, accentuating the monumental three-dimensional presence of the mountains while contrasting with the ethereal nature of the interwoven clouds. Drawing inspiration from personal ventures painting Alpine panoramas ‘Plein Air’, Paul seeks to encapsulate the profound sense of awe experienced in the midst of these extreme, foreign landscapes.
95" x 48" Mixed Media on Boxed Canvas
See "Mountainous" in more detail in this short video
95" x 48" Mixed Media on Boxed Canvas
“Mountainous” is an Original Mountainscape Oil Painting by Paul Kenton, capturing a panorama of a storm swept Alpine landscape. To explore more artworks inspired by the phenomenal extremes of the natural world, please view the Seascapes and Mountainscapes Collection. There are also a selection of mountainscape paintings and prints available as part of Paul’s 365 Project, whereby he challenged himself to paint everyday for an entire year. You can learn more about Paul’s 365 Project by watching the Official 365 Project Trailer.
"Mountainous" is part of the following Collection(s):