St Pauls Cathedral, pastels live painting session

This was a quick pastels piece, working with techniques to add motion. I really enjoy these sessions, which I regularly broadcast live on Instagram. You can follow me on Instagram to drop in and watch drawing and painting sessions like this as I’m creating, where you can then ask me questions or comment and we can share the experience. I will most commonly be either painting in my Studio, but also Plein Air in the North Devon area or while on my travels, so it’s often a great way to escape your own working day for 20 minutes! I try to give some advance notice shortly before I start these live sessions on either my Twitter feed, or with a quick Instagram update, so you can plan your coffee break around things! Hopefully these sessions will be useful to you on your own art journey & this Journal will then start to form an archive of sessions you can return to if they are of value to you. I’ll also be building these archives as a playlist on my YouTube channel, so you can also subscribe to PaulKentonArt on YouTube & be notified when anything new is added. I hope to see you in a live session soon!

Paul Kenton:

Subscribe/follow for the latest video & imagery of Paul’s art
